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Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2476

Dear Fred and other fellow listers,

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On 02/01/2003 at 10:31 Fred Blumenthal wrote:

>Thank you for your enthusiastic review of Adrienne Greenbaum's recording, 
>"Fleyt Musik."  Do you have ordering information?  Also, lists of titles 

Fleyt Muzik can be obtained directly from Adrianne, please contact her at
AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com .

>and performers would be interesting.  And I would suggest responding to 

Performers are Adrianne herself on (period wooden, wonderful tone) flutes,
Cookie Segelstein, fidl (violin), Joshua Horowitz, tsimbl (cimbalom or
hammered dulcimer), and Marty Confurius, bass - a finer small ensemble
won't be easy to find, and it's a superbly delightful combination in
itself. I'm sure Adrianne's "pardners-in-crime" need no further
introduction to regular listers from me.

There are 21 tracks; all tracks except #6 and #17 are Trad./arr.
Greenbaum/Segelstein/Horowitz/Confurius; tracks #6 and #17 are originals by
Adrianne Greenbaum. The tracks are:

1) Doyna - Zhok - Sirba; 2) Chasen Senem; 3) Behusher Khusid; 4) Khosidl;
5) Nign; 6) Di Terkishe Fleyt; 7) Der Kholem Fun Yid Goldenshteyn Medley;
8) Khosidl; 9) Freylekhs; 10) Freylekhs; 11) Gut Morgn; 12)
Freylekhs/Skotshne; 13) Sirba; 14) Doyna - Freylekhs; 15) Rusishe Sher; 16)
Tish Nign; 17) Dobriden; 18) Gasn Nign; 19) Volekh; 20) Kolomeyki; 21)
Gelebt und Gelakht.

Amongst them, I would find it impossible to pick any particular favourite/s
- I love them all, all tracks are equally delightful, equally strong, each
in their own way. This is one of those relatively rare beasts, an album
that doesn't have a single track that is relatively weaker than the rest or
misses, it is beautifully consistent throughout.

Also, I must emphasize, the sleeve notes and overall presentation are
absolutely superb and it's immediately obvious that a lot of thought and
meticulous planning, care and hard work went into these, even down to the
choice of the paper for the booklet. (There's another nice touch to it but
I'll leave that as a surprise - so go on, treat yourselves! ;-)  )

>the whole ListServ or NewsGroup or Interest Group or whatever we are, 
>instead of directly to me.

Done, and gladly. :)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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