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Re: Fiddlers

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On 02/01/2003 at 12:55 Helen Winkler wrote:

>I'm posting this on behalf of Josh Horowitz:
>...Josh Horowitz recently mentioned to me how much he enjoyed the 
>violin playing of both Cookie Segelstein and Monika Feil (Monika lives 
>in Germany and has recorded and taught with Josh). Monika should be 
>included on the list as well, as many people have commented on how good 
>her playing is and there aren't very many in Europe...

I'd like to second all the various fiddlers mentioned so far, and add some
more from outside the klezmer arena.

Vassar Clements (bluegrass, jazz and lots besides) I'm sure will hardly
need any intro.

Israeli violinist (and ud player) Yair Dalal is excellent and specializes
in Israeli/Arab fusion, Bedouin music and Iraqi Jewish music.

Simon Shaheen is an Israeli-born violinist and ud player of equal
excellence, his forte being classical Arabic music and East-West fusion.

Ross Daly lives in Crete and specializes in traditional Cretan music, his
fiddle being the Cretan Lyra (despite the name, actually a version of the
Turkish kemanche), as well as others.

Finally, though by no means least, a veritable Paganini. Kayhan Kalhor is
an absolute wizzard on the Iranian kamanche and lives, AFAIK, in the US.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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