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klez kamp 2003

Havn't seen any review of this yet so I'll put in my short one - yasher
koach to Sherry & Pete & Dan & the ganza meshpocha that put it on
and made it happen - and to the participants (with the exceptions of the
naughty conservatory brats who kept taking over the whole lobby to play jazz
music at the highest possible volume making it real hard for anyone to
jam acoustic klezmer within the same building).

A great bunch of people overall, new friends made, and All Is Forgiven
for last years tsimbl debacle - Josh Horowitz, Stu Brotman, and Pete
Ruschevsky gave me the insights I needed to ascend yet higher on this
most despised of instruments.

And although I did not personally attend due to another priority (and actually,
theory makes my head hurt), I heard lots of people raving (positively)
about Horowitz's Modal Modulation class.  It seemed to be the hit session
of the year.

The dance program of Steve, Felix amd Jill was just incredible - my
ankles made it through two days instruction and the Thursday night dancing.
What a feeling.

And if those conservatory gangsters wuld like to tell me when the
next jazz-fest is, I'd be glad to show up with 5 tsimblists - amplified -
to play as loud as possible to drown out your B flat 7 flat 5 raised 9.

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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