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Re: African-American and Jewish

In addition to David there are other examples, especially if you begin to 
consider Jews in Rap and Hip Hop and even Jewish themes in Rap and Hip Hop.  
So-Called and Blood ogf Abraham come to mind, and an intersting act called 
Eric Roth and the Silver Schmateez out of Chicago, too.

The Abudayan Jews of Uganda have just put out another album of interesting 
material and there are certainly collections of Beta Yisrael around to. 

Not sure if this qualifies. but when Frank London (of the Klezmatics and 
other) waslast in town, he sat in with the Gangbe Brass Band from Benin.  
That was pretty cool....


Adam Davis, Director
Kfar Jewish Arts Center

Kfar Jewish Arts Center is an inclusive arts incubator that serves to 
stimulate, promote and produce the next generation of Jewish expression.  
Hebrew for village, Kfar is an artistic community of local actors, musicians 
and artists.  Visit our Kfar at  <A 

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