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cultural boycott

Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask you all if you know of the effect that the current political 
climate is having on musical life in ISrael.

As you may have heard, there has been a lot in the UK media recently about 
the move towards an academic boycott of ISrael. The first concrete step i 
know of towards a cultural boycott is the move by the Central London branch 
of the Musicians Union to vote on banning members from performing in Israel 
and Israeli musicians playing here as 'official representatives' of Israel. 
The MU here prifdes itself on the leading role it played during the boycott 
of South Africa, and the parallels they see are evident in the wording used 
to draft the resolution: eg 'viscious apartheid'.

For more on this story see the archives in the Jewish Chronicle 

The questions I have relate to the state of the music industry in Israel in 
the light of the political situation. It seems that many promoters are going 
out of business, both due to the pressure of having to pay for extra 
security, paying in foreign currency when the shekel is weak, and 
shouldering the costs of frequent last-minute cancellations.

Im wondering whether this is having a knock-on effect on the domestic music 
industry, whether local musicians are filling the breach or whether in 
general there are fewer concerts across the board. And does the situation 
also affect more community based music scenes, like the various Mizrahi 

Another thought is the number of Israeli musicians leaving the country - 
London is certainly home to an ever-growing community who, from what I can 
tell, have in general little desire to go home while the current problems 
continue. Is this also true for the US? I'd be grateful for any help and 
insights any list members might be able to offer.

Thanks very much,

Jonathan Walton
YaD Music,
33 Seymour Place,
London W1H 5AU

t: 020 7535 0251
m: 07932 036 099 (best option)

----Original Message Follows----
From: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Subject: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2468
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 00:16:29 EST

                            JEWISH-MUSIC Digest 2468

Topics covered in this issue include:

   1) Re: Irish/Jewish music
        by "Laurie Andres"<lcandres (at) earthlink(dot)net>
   2) folk fiddlers
        by <jackfalk (at) teleport(dot)com>
   3) Re: Folk Fiddlers
        by "Monika Feil" <monika(dot)feil (at) fialke(dot)de>
   4) Re: American Jewish songbooks
        by Lori Cahan-Simon <l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org>
   5) Ahhh, the Klezmatics!
        by Sefirah <Sefirah (at) earthlink(dot)net>
   6) Re: folk fiddlers
        by Lori Cahan-Simon <l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org>
   7) Re: folk fiddlers
        by "Sandra Layman" <sandralayman (at) earthlink(dot)net>
   8) Re: Folk Fiddlers
        by "Sandra Layman" <sandralayman (at) earthlink(dot)net>
   9) Re: folk fiddlers
        by Eliott Kahn <Elkahn (at) JTSA(dot)EDU>
  10) Jewish Irish Book (was Jewish Irish Music)
        by Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
  11) RE: folk fiddlers
        by "Jewish Music Institute" <jewishmusic (at) jmi(dot)org(dot)uk>
  12) Re: folk fiddlers
        by Sefirah <Sefirah (at) earthlink(dot)net>
  13) Re: folk fiddlers
        by "Monika Feil" <monika(dot)feil (at) fialke(dot)de>
  14) Re: Jewish Irish Book (was Jewish Irish Music)
        by "H. Kaufman" <hkaufman (at) duke(dot)poly(dot)edu>
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