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RE: Jewish Irish Music

Re your discussion on jewish irish, this email has just reached the Jewish
Music Institute. You  may find it interesting.  Geraldine

Hello friend from the Jewish Music Institute!
We are contacting you from the Israeli Celtic band Evergreen. We want to
have our CD of Irish music in Hebrew of supreme quality offered in your
Evergreen's album "Riding Towards Life", is sold in all music stores in
Israel and worldwide by
It features beautiful and subtle instrumental compositions from the Galilee
with Irish and Jewish inspiration as well as two Hebrew songs with an Irish
arrangement, the album features Riverdance's percussionist Abe Doron, who is
part of Evergreen since he made Aliyah in 2001.
The CD is a great gift idea, especially for the Jewish  communities abroad.
Lately, Irish and Folk music has been getting more and more popular
worldwide, broadening it's acceptance and demand like never seen before,
especially after the success of the shows Riverdance and Lord of the Dance,
which awoke a desire and love for Irish music.

Please let us know what do you think about this, you can listen to the CD
and find out more about us in the bands website , you
can contact me directly through this email address. It is possible to listen
to most tracks of the evergreen album on MP#3 at the following address:
Thank you in advance, I hope you like it.

Abe Doron
abedoron (at) israeldrums(dot)com
Telephone in Israel:   cel. ++972 (053)907-462
                               home ++972 (02)678-1644


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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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