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Re: Jewish Irish Book (was Jewish Irish Music)

A question about another Irish - Jewish connection.

Does this book discuss the role of Robert Briscoe and the IRA in helping
smuggle weapons to the Jews in Israel (especially the Irgun) who were
struggling against British colonial rule?  I believe there were even Irish
volunteers who came to help the Jews fight for independence.  There was
also a strong identification with the IRA by the Jewish underground
movements fighting the British (the Irgun and Lechi) and I believe some
leaders (such as Former Prime Minister Shamir) adopted the names of IRA
leaders as their own secret code names.


On Mon, 23 Dec 2002 Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> <<Simon, could you provide bibliographic data on this book--
> author/publisher/year of publication?  Thanks.>>
> The book contains some very interesting pictures, including one of The Dublin 
> Jewish Boxing Club 1937/38. Featuring Joe and Robert Briscoe..the future Lord 
> Mayor.  A young Chaim Herzog, future president of Israel was also from Dublin.
> The correct title of the book is "Dublin's Little Jerusalem" by Nick Harris.
> Published 2002 by:
>  A &A Farma
> Beech House
> 78 Ranelagh Village 
> Dublin 65   
> Ireland
> Tel: 353 1 496 3625
> Fax: 353 1 496 0107

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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