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forwarding: Nehama Lifshitsaite Songbook

Forwarding from another list. Excuse any duplication. Judy

----- Forwarded message from Martin Horwitz <JCDF (at) ajws(dot)org> -----
    Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 12:19:45 -0500
    From: Martin Horwitz <JCDF (at) ajws(dot)org>
Reply-To: JCDF (at) ajws(dot)org
 Subject: [ha-Safran]: Nehama Lifshitsaite Songbook
      To: hasafran (at) lists(dot)acs(dot)ohio-state(dot)edu

_Yidishe lider funem repertuar fun Nekhama Lifshits far shtim un

klavir_, St. Petersburg: Jewish Community Center of St. Petersburg,

2002, 76 pp., ill. [ISBN: 5-7331-0196-2].

The collection includes arrangements of folk songs and original songs

written in the 1960s and 1970s especially for Nechama Lifshits

(Lifshitsaite). The book contains both notes and all texts of the songs

in Yiddish, in transliteration, and translation into Russian. The

collection is well illustrated and beautifully printed. It was prepared

in honor of her 75th birthday.

To obtain this book or other publications of the Center for Jewish

Music of the Jewish Community Center of St. Petersburg, please contact

us at frenk (at) lea(dot)spb(dot)su or by fax at (+7-812) 314-5117.

By special arrangement with one of our American sponsors, the Jewish

Community Development Fund in Russia and Ukraine (

the book may be obtained by making a donation to their work and

indicating Nechama Lifshits Book with a donation of $15. They may be

contacted at jcdf (at) ajws(dot)org or (+1-212) 273-1643.

Alexander Frenkel and Martin Horwitz

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