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jewish hurdy gurdy

let it be noted that in the early 1980s (83 or 84?), Hulgar Nath,
then a graduate student in Yiddish at Columbia University, now
teaching Yiddish back in his homeland Germany, used to come to the
Bronx to play hurdy-gurdy with the klezmer fiddler Moyshe Nussbaum,
and I videotaped a Purim simkha at our "sholem aleichem kultur
tsenter" with Hulgar, Moyshe and Michael Alpert entertaining the
guests together.  I might have been banging the "broombass", the
"devil stick" that Nussbaum made too. Perhaps Adam Whiteman played
bass at that occassion as well.

?Ýitzik gottesman 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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