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Re: Jewish Encyclopedia Online

Great resource! Thank you! I was so afraid I had nothing to do with some 
spare time this week. Thanks for filling it in....:-)
Was checking out any features of flute. One of the articles mentions a 
painting by Isaac Lvovoch Asknazi called "A Jewish Wedding" with the 
following description:
The bridegroom, in a high hat, with a long overcoat, and the bride in a white 
dress, her head covered with a thin veil, are just coming out from under the 
canopy, accompanied by groomsmen, bridesmaids, and wedding-guests. The rabbi 
and the servant of the synagogue turn to the right, all the rest walking in 
the middle of the street. Preceding them are four Jewish musicians: an old 
cellist, another old man, evidently the leader of the band, playing the 
cymbal—a large kind of zither—and two young men, one playing the fiddle, 
other, a retired soldier, playing the flute. The "badchan," or merrymaker, in 
front is directing the music; while the little sexton drives away the 
street-boys from the route of the procession.
Does anyone know where I might see this painting? In what book? Although my 
flute CD is finished and has a nice painting on the cover already, I am 
always looking for paintings or photos that are not as familiar to us as some 
already are.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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