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Yiddish Ein keiloheinu

At 09:33 PM 11/30/02, Sylvie Braitman wrote:
>Max Eisikovitz set an Ein K'eloheinu to music after a tune from the 
>Maramures he collected in 1938. In the published song only 2 verses are 
>mentioned, in Yiddish and Hebrew:
>Nishto aza Got... Ein K'eloheinu
>Wer iz do aza Got....Mi K'eloheinu.
>What about the rest that he did not set to music? Could somebody help me 
>with the translation of the Hebrew into Yiddish for Nodeh Eloheinu, Ata 
>hu, ... and the rest of the tune?

While it would have been simple for me to translate the few remaining words 
you requested, I refrained from doing so because this would not be of best 
service to the Yiddish song, which is a paraphrase of the Hebrew prayer 
rather than a translation; therefore it cannot be precisely reconstructed 
just by translating the remaining Hebrew text.  Since I remembered once 
hearing a version of the song from a Marmures (Carpathian) native, I tried 
to track him down before guessing on my own.
He sings a different (somewhat less interesting) variant of the tune than 
in the Eisikovitz collection, and this is the text in his dialect -- which 
I've also "YIVOfied" at the bottom of this posting:

1) Es iz nishtu azoy a Got avi indzer Got...Eyn Keyloykeyni
Es iz nishtu azoy a Her avi indzer Her...Eyn Kadoyneyni
Es iz nishtu azoy a Keynig avi indzer Keynig...Eyn Kemalkeyni
Es iz nishtu azoy a Helfer avi indzer Helfer...Eyn Kemoyshi-eyni

2) Ver iz nokh du azoy a Got avi indzer Got...Mi Keyloykeyni

3) Lomir loybn tsi indzer Got in keynem mer...Noyde Leyloykeyni

4) Geloybt iz indzer Got in keyner mer...Burikh Eloykeyni

5) Di bist indzer Got in keyner mer...Atu Eloykeyni

[As I suspected, the Yiddish version does not have anything corresponding 
to the last verse: Atah hu she-hiktiru etc.]

Following would be a standard YIVO version:
1) S'iz nishto aza Got vi undzer Got...
2) Ver iz nokh aza Got vi undzer Got...
3) Lomir loybn undzer Got un keynem mer...
4) Geloybt iz undzer Got un keyner mer...
5) Di bist undzer Got un keyner mer...

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ 

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