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Re: Sephardic dance?

Helen Winkler wrote:

>   Just wondering, is there anyone who has done research on the dances
> of Jews of Sephardic origin; i.e., how do/did Jewish dances in places
> like Morrocco or Salonika differ or resemble the dances of the
> surrounding culture?

Can't speak for Morocco (the country that is, not the dancer), but from
everything I've ever seen in these communities, the Jews of Greece and
Asia Minor dance the exact same (urban, not individual village) dance
repertoire as their non-Jewish neighbors. Some of the best folk-style
"belly" dancing I've ever seen anywhere was done by women, who were then
in their seventies and eighties, at the Sephardic Home in Brooklyn.  CF

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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