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Re: chanukah song

And I have about 4 or 5 different melodies that have been written for 
it, most nicer than the one most people use.  One or more will 
eventually be one my next album.  Can you possibly hold back your 
excitement? :-)


Sylvia Schildt wrote:

>It's sung to the words writtren by Yiddish poet Avrom Reizin.
>Happy Khaneke, khag sameakh to you, Peggy and the kids an d the band.
>Mit vareme yidishe grusn,
>Sylvis Schildt
>on 11/22/02 2:02 AM, Joe Kurland & Peggy Davis at ganeydn (at) crocker(dot)com 
>>>I am looking for the music of a Chanukah which begins with the words:
>>>"Baruch Ato...". It is about a father who is lighting the Chanukah menorah
>>>for his son.
>>You can find it in Yontifdike Teg, published by the Jewish Education Press
>>I think there's a more recent edition than I have here, may have a
>>different publisher. The Workmen's Circle Bookstore might have it
>>Peggy Davis
>>Peggy H. Davis Calligraphy & Wholesale Klezmer Band
>>Colrain, MA 01340

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

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