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Re: chanukah song


It's sung to the words writtren by Yiddish poet Avrom Reizin.

Happy Khaneke, khag sameakh to you, Peggy and the kids an d the band.

Mit vareme yidishe grusn,

Sylvis Schildt

on 11/22/02 2:02 AM, Joe Kurland & Peggy Davis at ganeydn (at) crocker(dot)com 

>> Chevra,
>> I am looking for the music of a Chanukah which begins with the words:
>> "Baruch Ato...". It is about a father who is lighting the Chanukah menorah
>> for his son.
> Carol,
> You can find it in Yontifdike Teg, published by the Jewish Education Press
> I think there's a more recent edition than I have here, may have a
> different publisher. The Workmen's Circle Bookstore might have it
> .
> Peggy Davis
> Peggy H. Davis Calligraphy & Wholesale Klezmer Band
> Colrain, MA 01340
> 624-3204

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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