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Josh Waletzky concert in Boston this Saturday

Reminder that if you live within reasonable driving (or training) distance of Boston, you would be advised take advantage of a rare opportunity to hear the noted singer and songwriter and pianist Josh Waletzky in concert this Saturday night! Josh is a founding member of the noted klezmer revival group "Kapelye" and also the maker of the noted films "Partisan of Vilna" and "Image Before My Eyes".

It's a solo concert sponsored by the Brookline Workmen's Circle Coffeehouse. The room is a small one (75 people?) so the space is intimate.

There will be a guided jam for singers and instrumentalists afterwards (all levels) - included in your ticket price - so bring your instrument and/or voice!

Josh's extraordinary album "Crossing the Shadows" (ariber di shotns) has been hailed as a landmark in contemporary Jewish music. It is a work of 14 original Yiddish songs and instrumentals (performed with Jeff Warshauer and Deborah Strauss) - for a review, surf to You don't have to understand Yiddish to be awed by these pieces...They stand with one foot in the old and one foot in the new world, incredibly beautiful, funny, and moving in turn.


Brookline Workmen's Circle
1762 Beacon Street
phone:617 566 6281
wcircle (at) gis(dot)net
concert starts 8 p.m.; doors open at 7:30

tix: $12 at the door (call a.s.a.p. to make sure there is one for you!)

T accessable (green line), on-street parking.

submitted by Dena Ressler

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