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New CDs at Hatikavh Music

We have just posted 2 pages of new releases to the "What's New" section of 
our web site. 
New titles have been added in : Klezmer, Yiddish, Sephardic, 
Ladino,Cantorial, Israeli Musicals, and Chanukah categories.

New titles can be viewed at:

Included are:
New Cantorial CDs by Yaacov Motzen and by Raphael Cohen

11 New CDs of Yiddish Comedy by Shimon Dzigan

Laura Wetzler's beautiful new CD "Kabbalah Music - Songs of the Jewish 

A 48 CD set of "Parshas and Haftoras of The Week" by Haim Louk in the 
Moroccan tradition.

Israeli Musicals, "Hair", Fiddler On The Roof", and "Kazablan" in Hebrew!
....and Many More!!!

Thank You
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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