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Laura Wetzler ("Kabbalah Music" CD) Upcoming Concerts

Hello list!
First, I?d like to recommend the beautiful new CD collection of musical 
examples produced by Maestro Francesco Spagnolo and The Jewish Music Research 
Center on music of the Jews of Italy. I met Francesco last year (through this 
list) when I was researching at the JTS library for my concert program at the 
Garibaldi Museum.  He was so kind and generous with his time. Those of us who 
perform these songs are so grateful to you, Francesco, for your hard work. It?s 
wonderful. Yasher koach! Thank you!
Here are some upcoming public concerts. I?d love to meet some of you from the 
list. I?ll be singing some from my new CD, originals, Jewish music from Italy, 
as well as songs from a song-sharing trip I made earlier this year to Jewish 
communities in Uganda and Ethiopia. 
For the record, my ?Rebbes? for  the ?Kabbalah Music? CD (,,  and its 24 pages of translations and 
historical notes are Gershom Scholem, Aryeh Kaplan, Moshe Idel & Joseph Dan, to 
name a few. My study ?centres? are JTS, HUC and 12 other university libraries, 
as well as song gathering in Jewish communities around the world. Hope you'll 
come down and say Hi. Laura
Sat. Nov 2 Workman?s Circle, Peoples Voice Café 45 E. 33rd St. NYC 8pm $10 
(212) 787-3903
Sat. Nov. 16 Congregation Agudat Achim, 268 Washington Street, Leominster, 
Massachusetts 8pm (978) 534 6121
Tuesday, Nov. 18 ?Italy, the Vatican and the Holocaust? Symposium and Concert. 
Laura Wetzler ?Music of the Jews of Italy? Wagner College, Staten Island NY 
Spiro Hall & Faculty Dining Room. 3-7PM Free, but reservations are required. 
Call (! 718) 390-3219 Sponsored by Wagner College and Temple Israel. 
"A fascinating new album...vastly impressive...superb performances...a major 
achievement" Robert Sherman, of The New York Times, WFUV
"Spirited and beautiful? Hadassah Magazine
??Kabbalah Music? is one of the best albums of new Jewish music in the past 
decade and establishes Wetzler in the forefront of the rich, exciting 
renaissance of contemporary Jewish music?a masterful work of folklore and 
scholarship, as well as a beautifully performed work of original, 
traditional-based Jewish music.? 
Seth Rogovoy, Author, 
The Essential Klezmer, WAMC Public Radio
?A mission with melody?Laura Wetzler aims to promote a sense of Jewishness 
among Jews of diverse backgrounds and interests.? 
Baltimore & Detroit Jewish Times
??a marriage of Jewish music and Jewish ethics?a breadth of musical learning 
wedded to a depth of emotional concern that leaps out of every note she p! lays 
and sings.? 
George Robinson, The Jewish Week, NYC
?All the rebbes and kabbalists are shepping nachas [!]? Reminds me of Reb 
Shlomo in her versatility and ability to sing for all kinds of audiences and 
bring people closer. I absolutely love this CD?a spectacular mix of music?voice 
and music so vibrant and alive?she speaks to my neshoma? Michelle Garner, WSIA, 
Top 10 World Music Charts- CUIT Toronto Radio
Top 10 World Music Charts- WSIA NYC
?Great music?sounds beautiful on the air...adds a whole new dimension to my 
program? Barry Reisman, WNUR Philadelphia
?Captivating? The Jewish Ledger
?Pure vocal ecstasy?Laura Wetzler triumphs?? Judy Caplan Ginsburgh, Jewish 
Entertainment Resources
?Bravo!? Dr. Israel Adler, Jewish Music Research Center, Jerusalem
"Laura Wetzler fills this haunting disc with an hour of music 
that comes to her and her listeners from across cent! uries? Kabbalah Music is 
simple beauty and big ideas?deep and affecting songs?unified here by Wetzler?s 
beautiful voice.... satisfies rhythmically like all the best world music? Larry 
Parnass, Daily Hampshire Gazette

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