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Fwd: Concert: Yiddish (and other) Spanish Civil War songs, Nov 16

>                    The Folk Song Society of Greater Boston
>                    presents a Newton Corner House Concert
>                  Songs and Letters of the Spanish Civil War
>                            Saturday, Nov. 16, 8pm
>                               Newton Corner, MA
>                    $10 for all; reservations are required
>A participatory house concert with Tony Saletan, Dan & Molly Watt and Sylvia
>This program tells the story through songs and letters of two idealists
>starting their marriage while participating in an international effort to stop
>fascism in 1937-1938. George Watt went to Spain to fight with the International
>Brigade while Ruth Watt remained in New York City. She organized public opinion
>to favor US involvement in Spain. She canvassed friends to send care packages
>to individual soldiers containing the necessities for the foxhole -- coffee,
>cigarettes, gum, wool garments, and most importantly, news from the home
>front. She coped with the loneliness of being left behind, typing daily letters
>to George from her desk at work while avoiding the scrutiny of her boss. George
>learned to be a soldier at the front, to speak Spanish while handling his
>machine gun, to survive the fire of battle and the excruciating loss of
>comrades while far from the comforts of home.
>Music was an important part of rallying support around the world and keeping up
>the spirits of the troops in Spain. Songs of the period will be sung in
>Spanish, English, German, French and Yiddish and interwoven with the reading of
>excerpts of letters exchanged between George and Ruth. You are invited to join
>in the singing (song sheets provided).
>Call (617) 327-1068 or email suzanne (at) smrozak(dot)com for reservations and
>The Cook House 
>Los Cuatro Generales 
>Hans Beimler 
>I Can't Get Started With You 
>Jarama Valley 
>Lid Fun Umbakantn Partizan 
>Peat Bog Soldiers 
>Quartermaster Store 
>Shpanye Lebt 
>Si Me Qieres Escribir 
>The United Front 
>Venga Jaleo 
>Viva La Quince Brigada 
>Young Man From Alcala 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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