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Re: Shmuel Brazil; shalosh-seudos in Far Rockaway

>The next day, my son brought me to his rebbe's tish for shalosh
>seudos, where I heard a beautiful nign (in 3/4) that begins azoy:
>  Vi zenen di heylige teg?
>  Zey zenen avekgegangen.
>  Me ken zey nisht haltn,
>  Nor mit ayzerne klangen.
>Does this yontefdike musar-nign sound familiar to anyone?  There
>were about five more verses, although the combination of Shabbos
>wine, no pencils, and a meager memory make it hard for me to
>recall exactly.

Indispensably helped by Reyzl's astute recollection, I found what appears to 
be this niggun, entitled "Vi Nemt Men"--Reyzl may know whether this is the 
one Yankl is seeking, but I suspect it is--on PIRCHEI SINGS, VOL. 2 (Tikva 

--Robert Cohen

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