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Re: Tarras's clarinets

> it seems to me 
> that
> Tarras is playing a clarinet in A. Does anyone on the list have knowledge
> about
> this? 

I don't have knowledge about it, but why not? I'm sure he did play a B flat
clarinet normally. B flat minor was one of Tarras' favorite keys, thus it
would make some sense using an A instrument for B minor, even if I'm sure he
wouldn't have had problems playing it on B flat clarinet.
You can try listening carefully to the G#'. If it sounds like a long note,
it must be an A clarinet...
There is this great software, The Amazing Slow Downer by Rolf Nilsson of
Sweden. You can slow down music without changing the pitch. Are you working
with that? Very, very helpful for analyzing ornaments.
You can get it at (it's cheap)

Christian Dawid

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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