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So you want to sing like a Chosid...

At 06:48 AM 10/8/02, "Bob Wiener" <wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com> wrote:
>What vocables would you use for the Shmuel Brazil "Shalom Aleichem"?
>(Feel free to post the question and your reply if you think that they would
>be of general interest.)

OK.  First of all for those not familiar with the tune, you can listen to 
one version here:
and follow the "score" below in order to make sense of my vocable 
transcription at the end of this message:
1- The Beatachon performance uses Israeli pronunciation, while I've chosen 
a Hassidic pronunciation.
2- Each line corresponds to 2 beats. {} = rest.  ||:    :|| = repeats.

||: sholoym aleychem
malachey hashoreys
{} malachey
elyoyn mi-
melech malchey
ham'lochim ha-
(1st ending=) kodoysh boruch
hu  :||
(2nd ending=) kodoysh boruch
hu, ay ay ay

sholoym a-
leychem mal-
achey ha-
{} el-
yoyn, ay ay ay

malchey ham-
{} boruch

Below you'll find how I would sing it as a niggun without words.
The syllables don't always match up exactly to the version with words (e.g. 
the 4th and 5th lines) due to the translation from one musical idiom to 
another.  In a sense the vocable version is "truer" to the essence of the 
melody since it doesn't need to accomodate particular words, yet I didn't 
want to stray too far from the syllable counts suggested by the lexical 
version. (For example, in the "1st and 2nd ending" lines of the first verse 
I would actually sing it with a rest on the first beat -- similar to the 
corresponding lines in the second verse.)
Capitalized vocables imply accented notes.  "AI" rhymes with "buy".  The 
underscore means that two notes are slurred on a single vocable.
Each line corresponds to 2 beats. {} = rest.  ||:   :|| = repeats

||:  YAM ba ba bam bam
YA ba ba ba bam bam
{} ah hai__
YAM bam ti di
DAI dam
YA ba bam BAM
(1st ending=) HAI__ AI dai
dam  :||
(2nd ending=) HAI__ AI yai
yam oh ho__

||:  HOY OY oy
YUM bum bum
OY OY oy
YUM bum bum
{} oy
OY vey
(1st ending=) {} ah HAI ya
YAM oh ho__  :||
(2nd ending=) {} ah HAI ya

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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