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hi, someone mentioned the article on Cochin. Barbara Johnson did the
fieldwork with the COchini Jewish women years and years ago, as an
anthropologist, and , long story, but finally met Edwin Seroussi, - and
the CD will appear in February, in the usual well-annotated JMRC format.
I'd known about the recordings for years, and finally  talked with
Barbara about it last year, and it's going to be a great CD. She has a
couple of articles, but I can't remeber the exact references, I can look
for them if someone's really interested.
There seems to be a burgeoning of music of Bene Israel music as well. I
was at their services here in Toronto for ZRosh Hashanah, as I have been
several times over the years, and they have some very fine singers here
(better, I think, than most of the ones on the valuable  CD which came
out in Israel last year or so). Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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