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The Cochin Revival

The Oct 4 International Jerusalem Post brings an informative article
on the efforts to preserve the musical heritage of the Jewish women of
Cochin, India, a community that has been there for perhaps 2000 years.

"For many centuries Cochin women, with the respectful attention of the men,
performed songs writen in Malayalam, the local language.  Every woman had
her own song notebook she would bring to community celebrations." - wrote
Shula Kopf in the Post.

Barbara C Johnson of Ithaca College says about a third of the songs are 
"biblical narratives that incorporate classical classical Midrash, some with
a 'delightful Indian twist'".

Interestingly, too, the singing was dying out a few decades ago, but is  
steadily being taken up by the grand-daughters of the last generation
that sang these songs.  Part of the reason for it almost dying is that
they had stopped teaching the children Malayalam.

I don't think the article is online, but its one of the things that makes
the international jerusalem post worth subscribing to.

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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