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Re: Shirim Shines

Nothing was printed in the "Buffalo News" although I understand something was 
sent in.  Only, thank goodness, a tiny blurb in the "Buffalo Jewish Review."  
It probably did not get advertised in Toronto since the only klezmer 
performer in the Niagara Symphony lives in Buffalo and would want to target 
the area he knows well.  If it weren't for him, nobody in Buffalo would have 
found out about it either unless one subscribed to this particular orchestra, 
which is not very well known in the US.  Both Buffalo and Toronto have their 
own symphonies.

It probably never occurred to the orchestra publicity folks that there was a 
market in Toronto, Buffalo, Rochester and Hamilton for this particular 
concert which, incidentally, also had a Saturday night show.  I assume they 
never heard of klezmer before and didn't know better.  It is not that unusual.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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