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Re: Hazanim in NYC w/ trad'l Nusach

This is far more Jonathan's area than mine, but certainly Sherwood Goffin at 
Lincoln Square Synagogue davens according to nusach (and believes, very 
much, in doing so), though he is conversant with Shlomo and Shlomo-like 
niggunim as well.  Cantor Goffin was trained at Yeshiva University's Belz 
school and is on the faculty there.

I realize LSS may not be the easiest place to get a ticket to, to put it 
mildly ...

--Robert Cohen

>Take advantage of this by finding places to visit on YK where the leader 
>has a solid traditional background in some European nusach (as opposed to 
>soloists/performers, & as opposed to others who don't know what the heck 
>they're doing, splicing one melody from here to another unrelated one from 
>       Do any of you know of synagogues (or stiebels) on the West-side, that 
>might have such a hazan/ shaliah tzibur?

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