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Hazanim in NYC w/ trad'l Nusach

        A rare year for me: a cantor/student-of-nusach, without a job:  Take 
advantage of this by finding places to visit on YK where the leader has a 
solid traditional background in some European nusach (as opposed to 
soloists/performers, & as opposed to others who don't know what the heck 
they're doing, splicing one melody from here to another unrelated one from 
        Do any of you know of synagogues (or stiebels) on the West-side, that 
might have such a hazan/ shaliah tzibur?   Would Old-B'way Shul have such a 
person?  Any place you can think of, (esp if they are not strict in their 
ticket policies), would be welcome information to me.
        Please reply to me (or phone: 732-249-8471).    Many thanks,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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