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Researching Klezmer in the UK


Would anyone like to help?
I am an undergraduate at Southampton University, doing a research project on 
Klezmer in the UK - 1880 to the present.  The following questions relate to 
the present (last 20 years or so), but if you have any historical 
information you would like to share, it would be greatly appreciated.

Are you interested or involved in Klezmer music in the UK?

Are you resident here, or do you travel here to participate or perform?

How did you first become involved in Klezmer?

Do you play in an ensemble ¡V professional or amateur?  Where?

Please give some information about the instruments, repertoire, name of 
band, etc.

What functions do you play for? (e.g. weddings, concerts, community, etc.)

Is dance involved?  Which dances?

If you do not play, what is your involvement?

Is your background Jewish or non-Jewish? (ignore if you wish).

What does the Klezmer experience mean to you? (e.g. roots, identity, just 
fun, drawn to it, etc.)

Many thanks.  I appreciate your time, and thanks to all those at Klezfest, 
London who were so generous with their help and advice.


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