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Re: You say tsimbl I say cymbalom I mean cimbalom

Last week I received for evaluation a prototype of a student tsimbl built by
James Jones of Virginia. While various options and improvements are being
considered, even this first prototype has a lot of things going for it,
including a nearly 3 octave range and a very affordable price tag ($400;
case & shipping extra). James is also willing to build other models of
tsimbls. This one has 2 strings per course so as to be tuning-friendly for
beginners; the bass bridge strings are wound. The sound is very good
considering the small size of the instrument.

I will be putting up a tsimbl information page on one of our websites soon;
in the meantime you can view the instrument and tuning scheme online at

I'm very close to Maine, and also have a Jankowski tsimbl, a Rizzetta
Santouri, and access to some other chromatic instruments, so if you want to
check some of these things out in person, drop me a line.

Beverly (New England Tsimblers Unite!) Woods
Beverly Woods
Water Village, NH 03864
tradmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

> Hello,
> I'm ready to make the leap and buy a tsimbl (I also feel like I'm trying to
> spell Chanukah I don't know which one is correct - if any spelling ). I've
> been playing a borrowed one of unknown provenance. Old - middle European.
> My question is - of the cymbaloms out there what are their attributes. I'll
> be playing in a small Klezmer ensemble, mostly traditional arrangements. Is
> there one better for such work. Sound quality, workmanship, adaptability any
> comments would be welcome.
> I believe all of the following are available:
> Alex Udvary (several of his smaller models) 3 strings per course
> Jozef Jankowski  5 strings per course
> Gillian Alcock 3 string courses
> If there are any others I would be glad to hear about them.
> Shalom
> Kurt Klappenbach
> Maine
> Zol zayn Shabbes iber der ganster velt.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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