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Re: need help getting Hungarians onstage

SOrry to hear about the cancellation.

Getting in and out of the US has become very different.  The Cape Breton
fiddler I had worked with for 4 years was told to leave the country on 
72 hours notice this past winter.  (Turned out great for her, actually,
as she's become deeply embedded in Halifax - but that's for another list).

Anyone going to Klez Kanada from  the US this year should ensure to have
papers in order and plan to spend time at the border coming back to
the US.  Going into Canada, I can tell you from experience - you are
on your way to study music in Canada.  You are not performing!  You
are studying in Canada.  To learn from Canadians.  I've had friends
denied entry to Canada because they let on that there was a recital
at the end of thier week's study.

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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