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Re: Was dance leader

In a message dated 7/19/02 6:28:18 AM, klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com writes:

<< Apologies if someone has already provided this info.:

Re. accomodations at KlezKanada:  there is a conference center with an
attached motel-style building with all the creature comforts (so I hear!)
on the campus, so you don't need to go outside the event. Otherwise, yes,
be prepared to semi-rough it (it's a kids' summer camp). >>

The conference center only housed a very few classes. You DO have to go 
outside quite a bit. The only advantage of staying at the center rather than 
the cabins is that you have much better climate control while sleeping. In 
general, be prepared to rough it. The good news is that there are little 
scooter shuttles if roughing it is totally out of the question for you OR if 
you're late for a class. Most often you can grab one. But bottom line is that 
there's lot's of outdoor walking and rough terrain and far places to walk to 
so you have to be prepared no matter where you're staying and no matter which 
classes you've signed up for. It's all spread out. But it's worth the walk....

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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