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Re: Was dance leader

on 7/12/02 4:05 PM, Willadance (at) aol(dot)com at Willadance (at) aol(dot)com 

> Does anybody know if Zev Feldman will be giving other dance workshops on the
> East Coast anytime soon?
> I checked out the Neskaya website where the Oct. workshop is being held and
> found anti-Israel sentiment among its postings.  I'm less inclined to attend
> now.


I am sorry if you choose not to attend the workshop. I feel that I must
respond to your posting as I am an integral part of this event. I am the
musical director for Moosl'tov, the band that will be playing music for this
event and my partner Beverly, together with Zev, was instrumental in the
conception of this workshop and has spent significant effort in organizing

Beverly and I've worked with Jenny, the founder of Neskaya, where this
workshop is being hosted, for a number of years. Together, we co-lead the
Neskaya Fork Oakestra and play live music for Sacred Circle Dances once a
month. In this band, we play a wide variety of international folk musics,
and have learned a number of Israeli tunes for particular dances at Jenny's
request. I will not attempt to speak for someone else regarding their
political beliefs; that has no place on this list, which is about music. I
will say that I don't believe that anyone connected with this event is anti
much of anything, except perhaps injustice and hatred. We hope that our
music and dance puts a little light back into a world that desperately needs

I invite you to write Jenny or us with your concerns about the event and
questions regarding any of our politics offlist, we will gladly engage in
dialogue with you or anyone else. We sincerely hope that your interpretation
of the supposed politics of the organizers doesn't sabatoge others from
attending this event that we are working very hard to present.


gut shabes

Seth Austen
emails: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com
klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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