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Re: Was dance leader

Apologies if someone has already provided this info.:

Re. accomodations at KlezKanada:  there is a conference center with an
attached motel-style building with all the creature comforts (so I hear!)
on the campus, so you don't need to go outside the event. Otherwise, yes,
be prepared to semi-rough it (it's a kids' summer camp).


>Willadance (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
>> Does anybody know if Zev Feldman will be giving other dance workshops on
>> East Coast anytime soon?
>He's teaching dance with Michael Alpert at Klez Kanada end of August.
>Look for "Soles On Fire" in this page:
>Having been once before, I can heartily recommend Klez Kanada's programs
>and ambience and the price can't be beat.  If you haven't slept dorm style
>in the last 30 years, tho, I'd suggest one of the motels out on the
>highway, the digs are pretty rustic.
>roger reid

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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