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Fwd: M. Aleksandrowitsch

>From: "Albert Leonhard" <albert(dot)leonhard (at) fliegerjacken(dot)de>
>Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 16:05:17 +0200
>we bring you a sad information: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has reported,
>that the great belcanto voice from Lithauania, Michail Alexsandrowitsch has
>gone silent. A. died at the age of 84 in Munich, where he lived since 1991.
>Born in 1917 in Riga, A. was one of the last students of Benjamino Gigli and
>became a khasn and was very popular in russia, although, the regime had made
>his life as a singer, who never covered his jewishness, very hard. Golda
>Meir and the UN finally helped him to go to Israel in 1972.
>Sincerely yours, zey gezunt,
>albert Leonhard

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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