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I am a new subscriber to this list, a singer, who has been out of 
circulation for the last several years. I have recently begun to renew my 
interest in the world of jewish music, with the goal of becoming  more 
involved in singing  this music.  So towards this end I am seeking 
suggestions about 2 things.

First, what journals or other sources do you read to inform yourself about 
the world of jewish music?

Second,  how did you approach "networking" locally with other musicians who 
are actively involved in creating and making jewish music?  I currently 
live in Philadelphia, which is home to a significant number of jews, so it 
would be especially helpful to hear from those of you who live in urban 

At any rate, I look forward to hearing your thoughts...

Gwynne Sigel

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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