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Fw: Morenica

A friend from the Hanashir list is getting married, and wants a Ladino song
in the musical program.  I suggested Morenica - which I learned from some of
you who kindly sent me the lyrics a while back...  right now I can't seem to
find the lyrics on my computer...

If any of you have the lyrics (and possibly a source for the sheet music)
handy - can you please send them to  Josh Miller - his email listed below?

Thank you so much!


>If you wouldn't mind posting to the Jewish Music list that sent you
 >Morenica's lyrics before, that'd be great.  Feel free of
> course to have them email me directly at jmiller (at) songleaders(dot)org

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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