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RE: On-line Klezmer resources

 Does anyone know of online resources which would help Margot and perhaps
other listers as well.


I am researching the klezmer in all of Central and Eastern Europe
and am looking for online resources.

I have been using and have had great luck with
them.  They archive all kinds of music from all over the world, but
primarily Eastern Europe.  They are based in Hungary, so have lots
of gypsy, Hungarian, Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian music involving
They also have accompanying literature, describing the
cultural/political scenes in the different countires, and
information about the artists.
A fair number of the tracks are free as well, easily downloadable
for no money.

If anyone knows of comparable sites, I would be greatly
appreciative!  XenoMusic has been great for me and I would like to
find other similar places to learn about klezmer music in this area.

Thank you! Margot
margetmargot [mailto:margetmargot (at) yahoo(dot)com]

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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