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[Fwd: Help requested in identifying a Jewish musical piece]


Forwarded from a new friend who needs more help than I can render.  I get the 
most interesting requests.  Be
warned:  it took me about 15 minutes to download a few seconds of music.

Andrew Jakubowicz wrote:

> Dear Prof Lubet
> Helen Meekosha mentioned your name as someone who is interested in
> Jewish music. I have an old menorah with a music box in its base and
> I have not been able to identify the tune. If you go this web site
> and are willing to have a listen please let me know what you think
> the tune might be
> If you roll over the music on the floor you can click and download
> <menorahfinal.avi>, which is the menorah and its music. (The music
> notes on the floor are from Rebbe Elimeilich as sung by refugees in
> Vilna in 1940 - a political tract rather than a Chassidic dance. See
> it at
> under the Pesach button.
> I do hope you can spare a few moments to at least listen to the thing.
> All the best and thanks for any advice you can give
> All thye best
> --
> ____________
> Prof Andrew Jakubowicz
> Professor of Sociology
> Making multicultural Australia project research director
> Producer, The Menorah of Fang Bang Lu
> Co-ordinator of International Development
> CRICOS Provider Code : 00099F
> Program Head, Social Inquiry
> Room 545 Bon Marche Building
> 776 Harris St Ultimo
> Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
> University of Technology Sydney
> PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
> Phone (Sydney Australia) : (+61 2 ) UTS 95142298  Home  9665 1732
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> Home Snailmail: 4/154 Beach St Coogee NSW Australia 2034
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Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American and Jewish Studies
Head, Division Of Composition and Music Theory
University of Minnesota
2106 4th St. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612 624-7840 612 624-8001 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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