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Re: Passion Plays and Jewish Music (footnote)

>I'm embarassed to live in the city where the Baptists recently met and
>denounced Islam....using holier-than-thou Christianity as an excuse to 
> >preach hatred of another ethnic group is anti-Christian.

I won't get into, here, whether or not Fred should or shouldn't be 
embarrassed, and I didn't read what, exactly, the Baptists said; but it 
ought be noted, I think, that to denounce Islam, rightly or wrongly, is not 
to denounce an ethnic group, let alone to preach hatred of it.  Muslims do 
not consitute an ethnic group.

Many Muslim clerics are, indeed, preaching "hatred of another ethnic 
group"--namely, ours.  But what to do about that is for another time, on 
another list.

--Robert Cohen

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