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JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2293

On the subject of the recent "Imagine Peace" concert in Toronto, Houston
enjoyed a similar event on February 17, 2002 called "A Concert for our
Common Humanity" at the First Unitarian Church of Houston, organized by
myself with help from some wonderful, idealistic fund-raisers.  It featured
Sephardic, Arabic, Ashkenazic and American-Christian music by the
Houston-based EAST/WEST ENSEMBLE, which includes an Egyptian oud player &
singer, a Jordanian violinist/percussionist/singer, a Mexican baritone, a
gospel pianist, a Jewish- American singer and a Christian-American,
percussionist/dancer.  In addition to the music, there were three speakers,
all women: an Episcopalian priest, a Rabbi and a representative of the
Islamic Society.  The place was packed and, amazingly, the Arabic community
showed up (they had not on previous occasions).  The gospel music had the
place rocking and, for one brief moment, all could forget about the horror
in the Middle East.

May all of us musicians create such oases as often as we can.

Isabelle Ganz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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