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Fwd: Sing Gebirtig in English

> From: "ABRAHAM CYKIERT" <peggy (at) mail2me(dot)com(dot)au>
> Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 11:50:20 +1000
> The Hebrew University published 2 years ago its  5th volume of Yiddish songs,
> dedicated exclusively to the most popular pre-war Yiddish trubadour 
> Mordechai Gebitig. The Publication in the form of a very elegant and very
> expensive albom, was published in Yiddish and a translityrated Englisd
> spelling version. In addition it had also the musical score for each song and
> a Hebrew translation.
> It had also an english translation that was  unfortunately a very serious
> mistake. It killed the whole exercise  for potential users of the volume who
> do not know Yiddish. The English translation made Gebirtig appear at best as
> a very mediocer troubadour and at worse as not worthy of the effort.
> The Yiddish Poet in the far-off Australia Avraham Cykiert (see Lexicon fun
> Yiddishe shreiber under the letter "Tsadi") was eventually aproached to
> produce a proper English vesion. Cykiert a past scholar-residence of the
> University and a visiting-Professor of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow
> has adapted (not trasnslated) over 30 songs of Gebirtigs to English holding
> close to the image and rhytm of Gebiritg. The adaptation was not only aproved
> by the Hebrew University but also acclaimed as true to the Yiddish Gebirtig's
> spirit. The vice-president Elihayu Hogin a patron of Yiddish publications at
> the University wrote "I have read all the texts and compared them to the
> original Yiddish ones, 'I DIPS MMY LID TO YOU" (colquial Australian
> expresion)
> 15 songs have been put on a CD by the "Friend of the Hebrew University in
> Victoria, Australia. The recorded original Music was payed by Leon Rosner, 
> one of the 2 brothers who played at the in Plaszow Camp  for the Commander
> Amnon Goeatz and his gueats, (portrayed later in " Schindler's List") and
> vocalised by his daughter Frances Sondheim.
> The CD will be lauched by Sir Zelman Cowan, the secomd past Jewish Governor
> General of the Australian Commonwealth, at the Jewish Communal Centre Beth
> WEizmann, on the 7th of July.
> While Cykiert has done the work voluntarily and the proceeds of the launching
> will go to the Hebrew Unioversity he has retained the copyright of the text
> and the future CD production for himself. Interested parties distributors
> and  individuals should get in touch with the author on E-mail:
> <mailto:peggy (at) mail2me(dot)com(dot)au>peggy (at) mail2me(dot)com(dot)au 
> or write to him:
>         Abraham CVykiert
>         12 Namatjira Court
>         Mulgrave, 3170
>        Australia    

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