Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Chazzanut Online

     Chazzanut Online has got a new and easy address:
     ... and the following new material:

                               Chazzanut Online

  Sam Englander's Piano Arrangements

     Sam Englander (1896-Sobibor 1943) was according to the well-known
     Dutch conductor Fred Roeske one of his most talented pupils.
     Englander achieved great triumphs as choir master of the Great
     Synagogue in Amsterdam. In 1928, his choir had been elected best
     Synagogue choir of Europe by the Jewish Chronicle.

     Englander composed and arranged numerous pieces. Sadly, most of his
     work got lost during the war. All that remains is a booklet with
     Piano Arrangements of well-known Jewish melodies (1931), and his
     most important composition, Ahavti, for the Halleil prayer.
     This material is now available at Chazzanut Online.
     Listen to a midi representation of his Ahavti and Kol Nidrei,
     and view his arrangements online.


     A discography of Dutch chazzanut.


     This and much more is now available at

  Irwin Oppenheim
  i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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