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zmiros project

  i am trying to locate some of the sources used by
jim loeffler in his liner notes for the abovementioned
album. More specifically, i was hoping to track down
the sources for the fact that some authorities opposed
the recitation of shalom aleichem and tzur mishelo. if
anyone knows of any information that could help or for
jim's email address i would greatly appreciate it

the whole world is a narrow bridge
     and the main thing is to have no fear  -rabbi nachman
the numerical equation of ahavah in hebrew is 13(a prime number)
     be'ahava is 2(bet) x 13
     when two complete and unbreakable (prime) loves come together in 
love(be'ahava), you have 26
     this shows that god (equivalent to 26) enters into a relationship only if 
there is a complete unbreakable selflessness to the other    -avi finegold 
and one one hand he tattooed the word love/and on the other the word fear   
-bruce springsteen

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