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Calgary Jewish Cultural Arts Day

In case any of you happen to be in the Calgary area later this month, thought 
I'd let you know that
there will be a Jewish Cultural Arts Festival on Sunday June 23, from noon 
until 4 p.m. at the Beth Tzedec synagogue, 1325 Glenmore Tr SW.

Included in the activities will be participatory dancing to the music of 
Calgary's klezmer band, Take the Oy Train. The band will be playing from 12:30 
to about 2:30. I will be teaching dances to klezmer music from approximately 
12:45-1:45 followed by open dancing to various Yiddish and Israeli tunes.

A multitude of other activities will also be offered including a session we're 
calling Jewish Jam--bring along your instruments for this one!


Helen Winkler
Helen's Yiddish Dance Page

Calgary Folkdance Fridays

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