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Tsimbler's Dream

Picture this - an electronic tuner that remembers every time you tune:
(a) what the starting pitch for the string was before you started tuning
(b) what the temperature and relative humidity is

It keeps track of tendancies long term - over time it gets better
and better at noting the effect of time, temp, and humidity fluctuations
and being able to predict that if it is tuned tonight, but tomorrow
night (when I won't have time to tune), if given the information that
we expect cool Canadian air with a 30 point drop in RH and a 10 degree
drop in temp -

will then help me tune it - not to the right pitch, but to the pitch
that - given its history and reaction to environmental factors - will
settle to correct tomorrow night.

Had this been possible in 19th century Europe, perhaps tsimbl would
have had a better reputation.

Roger Tsimblist, who has noted that if I am about 15 cents low, I should
not retune if I am parking for the day in the garage at 46th and 1st,
because it's always good for a 15 cent raise.

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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