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Re: Kol Nidrei collection

In a message dated 5/24/2 11:10:39 AM, wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com writes:

<< Could you, Simon, or someone else recommend other material from Renanot?


It's all on our web site in our "Sephardic" section.

When we first received the "Kol Nidrei" collection, I posted it to the list 
with a detailed description...and it was largely ignored. However, through 
our other channels, we has done very well with this CD.

  Three weeks ago, George Robinson reviewed for the New York newsapaper,"The 
Jewish Week" a selection of Sephardic recordings we had sent him. Many of 
these recording I had posted to the list and again were largely ignored. When 
George's article came out, we were swamped with orders, especially for the 
Alain Chekroun CD which we sold out within 4 hours.

Yesterday we received a HUGE shipment of the Chevron CD, and now only have 8 
left in stock. This is a title that I recommend HIGHLY. Don't let this one 
pass you by...I hate to tell you "I told you so"...actually, I love to say 
it! ;-).

I try to post the more unusual less known (and EXCELLENT) recordings to the 
There are many fine recording released in the US, and we all hear about them. 
What Hatikvah has tried to do is to bring titles from the small independent 
labels overseas that have no representation in the US, and usually none in 
the country of origin. We do not carry all the titles of any one particular 
label, only those that we feel are the "cream of the crop".

We are very selective as to what we import and now are exclusively 
distributing many of these CDs.

I always try to post the best of the best..CDs that would not normally 
receive the recognition they deserve.  Remeber, if "Simon Says...."
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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