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Re: Jewish rock

See, I wasn't feeling embarrassed when I wrote it, but now that you're 
looking at me lecherously, I'm blushing.  Shame on you, Robertl! ;-)

Since we're speaking of Max Weinberg, you may be interested to know that 
the trombonist who always wears a hat (maybe he's going bald) who is 
called "La Bamba", is really none other than Richie Rosenberg, another 
yid.  How do I know?  Another childhood friend.  His father married my 
next door neighbor's ex-wife and I saw Richie all the time in and out of 
school.  He was in the E Street Band, too.

Ibi Kaufman, who sang on a Yiddish sing along video with Zalman Mlotek 
and Mike Burshteyn, was in the year ahead of me in high school.

I guess we had a high percentage of good musicians in my school. :-)


Robert Cohen wrote:

> Surely that's Max Weinberg, whose band is now the studio band for the 
> Conan O'Brien show (which is otherwise insufferable, but that's me ...)?
> --Robert Cohen
> P.S.  I have a *lot* of questions of some other putative Jews who have 
> been submitted under this rubric ... but I'm check w/ some sources 
> before responding.  Maybe, otoh, we should just ask:  Who (else) on 
> this list has taken a bath with a Jewish rock star?  (Insert lecherous 
> grin--Here's looking at you, Lorele!)
>> the drummer for the E Street Band (Max someone; the name escapes me
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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