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For a long time I played a lot of autoharp, but finally gave it up in favor
of instruments that would actually remain in tune. (The combination of high
tension and shoddy construction and many strings makes the instrument prone
to tuning problems) But..I always played tunes in ukranian dorian and ahava
raba as well as modal melodies of american description.
 It only depends on which chord bars one has present, not the actual
strings, since it is a chromatically strung instrument. My favorite
instrument had all the tonal triads in three or four keys, with the
exception of the diminished 7th. I could always find a way to play any
melody, although not necsessary in a singable key. I understand that the new
instruments are superior in construction and allow fine tuning which will
allow the player to tune the instrument without eating away at the pin
block, a very good thing indeed, if true.
jonathan gordon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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