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Re: Who is qualified to teach klezmer?

In a message dated 4/29/02 7:57:35 PM, lubet001 (at) umn(dot)edu writes:

<< That may be, but only a small percentage of them participate in the Hillel 
only a handful are music majors.  Trust me, I know of what I speak. >>

This IS true but my group is hardly made up of music majors. These are 
students who want another way to make use of all those music lessons. It's 
the  "How can they still play their instruments and have something new to 
explore...." That's what they're interested in. This is.....COLLEGE! The time 
for exploration, freedom, you-name-it, and klezmer.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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