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Re: Does placing klezmer in the university remove it too far from its original context?

Of course, that's a very good question.  Inherent in the question is that
academia is quite distant from the original context for klezmer (and many other
kinds of music as well).  Given that, we need to define "too far."

In order to define "too far," we also need to consider who's going to receive
the benefits.  I'm pretty sure academia will benefit from the presence of
klezmer.  Whether klezmer will benefit from the presence of academia is another
question entirely.  We have the case of jazz as something of a precedent.  I'm
pretty sure scholarship in jazz has been a good thing for both academia and for
jazz.  Collegiate jazz programs have probably produced a lot of workmanlike
performances and crafty performers, but little in the way of innovation or
brilliance and perhaps something in the way of obfuscation of jazz's cultural

The lessons of jazz programs in academia can serve as something of a heads up
for klezmer.  In the case of klezmer, though, there's the additional
consideration that so much of the music originated in a ritual, many would say
sacred, context.  Religion doesn't always do well in academia.  And, at the
risk of fanning the flames of politics which we're currently trying to avoid on
this list, academia isn't always the most comfy place to be a Jew, especially
of late.

gang0038 wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks to all who responded to the question, ?Does klezmer have a place in
> academia??  As I previously stated,  I am currently working on a project
> which explores issues regarding klezmer music in academia and would like to
> gather opinions of members of this list regarding some related issues.
> Some of your responses have already touched on the next question which is
> stated in the subject:
> Does placing klezmer in the university remove it too far from its original
> context?

Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American and Jewish Studies
University of Minnesota
2106 4th St. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612 624-7840 612 624-8001 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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