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Re: Oy Gevalt!

I, for one, am touched by Francesco's piece. 
Especially with the NPR happenings of late, I think we
should really be conscious of how music and politics
are part and parcel of the same thing--"just the
notes" is a term that has always bothered me.  There's
no such thing in my mind.  Anyways, so as not to
ramble or rant: for those who are interested in
Franceso's article, there's a fantastic journalistic
essay by Jeannie Marshall from the Canadian magazine
_Saturday Night_ from a few years back that talks
about a lot of the same things, but in the context of
Germany and its "Jewish" scene.  And yes it discusses
music too.  The title is "Suddenly it's Cool to Be
Jewish in Germany."  

On the internet, I found the article posted in a
Google newsgroup.  Here's a link:

If the contents of this article have already been
discussed on this list, I sincerely apologize for the


Only a few days left to file!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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